8015 Creedmoor Rd #202 Raleigh, NC 27613

Restorative Dental Care Q&A

Do you have a bite problem? Are missing teeth impacting the look and function of your smile? We provide restorative dental services for patients with a variety of dental problems. Our team helps patients restore their oral health from TMJ disorders to gum disease. We welcome patients who have questions about restorative dental care in our Raleigh, NC office to explore answers to commonly asked questions about restorations. 

restorative dentistry in Raleigh, North Carolina

FAQs: Restorative Dental Care in Raleigh, NC

Here we will answer answers to these popular questions about restorative dentistry and the types of dental restorations that we offer in our office:

Do I need a crown after a filling or a root canal?

Patients who receive a filling or root canal may need the added support of a dental crown. We will add a crown on premolars and molars because these teeth are typically under more stress than others. While we may sometimes recommend a crown for front teeth, we may only recommend a crown if the teeth are worn or damaged.

What are the early signs of gum disease?

Gum disease begins as gingivitis, also known as gum inflammation. As harmful bacteria inflame the gum tissue, patients can also experience bleeding and swollen gums. Gums can bleed after patients brush or floss their teeth due to inflamed tissue. We provide gum disease treatment options to patients in Raleigh.

Why do I need dental implants?

Many patients benefit from dental implants instead of removable restorations like traditional dentures. Implants are restorations that restore teeth at the root. Once implants heal, they provide a permanent foundation for restorations. Dental implants add strength and structure to help patients bite, chew, and speak easily. Our office works with oral surgeons for implant surgery, and we can restore implant restoration with a custom bridge, crown, or denture. 

How do I know I have TMJ problems?

Temporomandibular joint disorders can cause toothaches, jaw pain, and chronic migraines. Patients with TMJ disorders can also clench and grind their teeth during sleep or under stress. Additionally, earaches and chronic morning headaches could be attributed to TMD. We also provide TMJ treatment for our patients who suffer from TMJ disorders.

Do I need a dental bridge or denture?

A dental bridge typically restores one or two consecutive missing teeth. Dentures replace multiple missing teeth or full tooth arches. Sometimes, we may recommend a single dental implant instead of a traditional bridge if patients have a single missing tooth. Dentures are best for patients with many missing teeth.

Do you need a new dental restoration? Contact Stonehenge Family and Cosmetic Dentistry today at 919.295.0936. You may also request a dental consultation with our team online. Let us know if you have questions or concerns about restorative care, and we will be glad to help.