Welcome to Stonehenge Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, your local dentist in Raleigh, NC. Our office welcomes patients of all ages and is equipped to meet your oral health needs in a safe, welcoming environment. With an emphasis on disease prevention, our general dental services are tailored to your unique needs. Our goal as a dental care team is to provide a personalized experience and to help you enjoy your best smile. We welcome new patients and families in the Raleigh area, including North Raleigh and RTP.
Dental Office Address
Stonehenge Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
8015 Creedmoor Rd #202
Raleigh, NC 27613
Office Phone Numbers
New Patients: 919.295.0936
Current Patients: 919.847.8747
Office Hours
Monday: 8 AM – 3 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Thursday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Friday: Closed